By Lenore Skenazy, Jonathan Haidt — 2017
Bad policy and paranoid parenting are making kids too safe to succeed.
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In 1994, Reviving Ophelia was published, and it shone a much-needed spotlight on the problems faced by adolescent girls. The book became iconic and helped to reframe the national conversation about what author Mary Pipher called “a girl-poisoning culture” surrounding adolescents.
Here, at last, is a book brimming with the good news of raising children—the basic reassuring news about happiness and unconditional love, about enduring family connections and kids who grow up right. Edward M. Hallowell, M.D.
In the real world, people on the autism spectrum need the same kinds of day-to-day skills everyone else needs to be functional! It’s true.
Amaii Collins is a student at Rufus King International High School in Milwaukee. She has struggled with depression and a suicide attempt. She has heard other young people talk about their struggles and their improvements because they talked to someone.
Shame is one of the most destructive of human emotions. If you suffered childhood physical or sexual abuse, you may experience such intense feelings of shame that it almost seems to define you as a person. In order to begin healing, it’s important for you to know that it wasn’t your fault.
Parents act as a mirror to show a child who she or he is. Throughout childhood there will be other mirrors, but children inevitably return to the reflection in that original mirror in order to determine their goodness, importance, and self-worth.
In an earlier video, Dr. Sarah Garwood discussed why teens cut themselves and how parents can recognize the warning signs. In this follow-up video, Dr. Garwood speaks directly to kids and teens about how to get help if you or someone you know is cutting or hurting themselves.
In his bestselling book Conscious Loving, pioneering therapist Gay Hendricks taught couples how to find balance and happiness in relationships. Now he gives us Conscious Living, a practical guide for the individual that brings new insights into a fundamental truth of daily life.
Wayne Dyer’s offers seven simple secrets for building your child's self-esteem every day; how to give very young children all the love they need without spoiling them; how to encourage risk-taking without fear of failure; action strategies for dealing with both your own anger and your child's;...