By David Brooks — 2015
Human beings are more resilient than we’d earlier thought.
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I’ve done a little bit of work with soldiers returning from Iraq and have worked with domestic violence shelter workers on issues of vicarious trauma.
Can increased creativity be a coping strategy for dealing with trauma?
As a society, we think about mental health in binary terms. Either someone is OK or they are not.
In the wake of repeated deployments, visible and invisible injuries, and repeated disconnection, our service members and their families are struggling ― struggling to be well, to connect, to feel, to adjust and to stay together.
Traumatic experiences don’t always have to result in long-term negative consequences. Research proves that exponential growth can actually result from traumatic events instead.
“Natural disasters and other traumatic events could be engines of growth.”
Psychologists studying post-traumatic growth find that many people come to thrive in the aftermath of adversity.
Talking with a therapist or joining a support group seems to play a key role in whether people can use a traumatic experience to improve their lives, said psychologist Eranda Jayawickreme at Wake Forest University.
After losing her son to random gun violence, one mother felt suicidal enough to commit herself to a local hospital. However, she quickly determined that, “a psych ward is not a place for grief.”
There can be positive change after adversity.