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Meditation for Self-Mastery

By Sri Swami Satchidananda

Through the practice of meditation, there are certain changes that happen in the mind. One of the most important changes is that you become master of your mind.

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How to Cultivate Equanimity Regardless of Your Circumstances

A calm mind and even temper can help make peace with life’s difficulties.

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Softening the Belly… of Sorrow

We hold our grief hard in the belly. We store fear and disappointment, anger and guilt in our gut. Softening the Belly… of Sorrow Our belly has become fossilized with a long resistance to life and to loss.

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Are You Trying to “Settle the Score”? Try “Choosing Peace” Instead

There is a key moment, says Pema Chödrön, when we make the choice between peace and conflict. In this teaching from her program Practicing Peace, she describes the practice we can do at that very moment to bring peace for ourselves, for others, and for the world.

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