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A Spiritual Quest for Meaning in Life

By Madeleine Czigler — 2015

I was and am searching for transcendence, multidimensionality, whatever you want to call it: to have an answer to that eternal question: “Is that all there is?” And if not, then, what else is there?

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We Always Have Joy

The sun doesn’t stop shining just because there are clouds in the sky. Our buddhanature is always present and available, even when life gets difficult.

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Finding Time

The Four Horsemen of my apocalypse are called Efficiency, Convenience, Profitability, and Security, and in their names, crimes against poetry, pleasure, sociability, and the very largeness of the world are daily, hourly, constantly carried out.

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Truth Mountain

In the early years of my Soulshaping journey, I had a constant desire to be "in the moment." I didn't quite know what that meant, but I knew that there was some connection between my capacity to be fully present for the moment and my ultimate spiritual expansion.

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Laughter Meditation: 5 Healing Benefits and a 10-Minute Practice

In a world where there’s much to be taken seriously, it’s important to remember to laugh. Not to make light of the severity of war, discrimination, terror threats, or climate change, but to maintain a perspective that there is still much to be thankful for and to celebrate in your life.

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Spiritual Quest