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A Spiritual Quest for Meaning in Life

By Madeleine Czigler — 2015

I was and am searching for transcendence, multidimensionality, whatever you want to call it: to have an answer to that eternal question: “Is that all there is?” And if not, then, what else is there?

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Redesign Your Mind: How to Get Rid of Your Mental Straightjacket

In Redesign Your Mind I describe personality as being made up of three constituent parts: original personality, formed personality, and available personality.

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Transcript: Helen Palmer on Personality Development and the Psyche – Interview by Jeffrey Mishlove |

Today we’re going to be looking at psychic experience in everyday life. My guest is Dr. Helen Palmer, a member of the faculty at John F. Kennedy University, and also the founder and director of the Center for the Investigation and Training of Intuition.

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Spiritual Quest