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A Spiritual Quest for Meaning in Life

By Madeleine Czigler — 2015

I was and am searching for transcendence, multidimensionality, whatever you want to call it: to have an answer to that eternal question: “Is that all there is?” And if not, then, what else is there?

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How ‘Instagram Therapy’ Helps Normalize Latinx Mental Healthcare

The Latinx community is just as vulnerable to mental illness as the general population, but faces disparities in treatment.

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I Was Taught that Therapy Was “Para Locos”—But the Pandemic Pushed Me to See It Differently

Eso es para locos. Esta generación... siempre inventando. These are the words I’d hear anytime I mentioned therapy or mental health growing up.

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Why Focusing on Yourself Is the Real Call to Action During BIPOC Mental Health Month

I’m learning that my challenge isn’t just to unlearn what my family has taught me, but to put myself in situations that would reaffirm the new lessons I was trying to replace the old ones with.

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Spiritual Quest