By Celia Fernandez — 2018
My comfort zone left the building for this one.
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Lessons from the life of Marion Rosen. A short documentary based on interviews that Roger Dackegaard did with Marion Rosen in Berkeley 2009.
Frans Stiene explains what Reiki is. Frans Stiene is an international Reiki Teacher who has been teaching around the world for the last 23 years.
Rosen Method Theory Talks from 1982: Video by Paula Kimbro of a talk and demonstration by Marion Rosen in 1982. The basic theory of Rosen Method is covered and Marion maps the emotions in the body.
"Talking with Marion" interview by Paula Kimbro
Imagine being able to utilize the power of your mind for the purpose of healing with Universal Energy--just by asking. Gentle Energy Touch, a form of energy medicine pioneered by Barbara Savin, does just that by using intention to begin the healing process of an individual.
Healing Touch is one of the most accepted and widespread energy-healing modalities in the world.