By Celia Fernandez — 2018
My comfort zone left the building for this one.
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William Bengston discusses the materialist vs. post-materialist scientific paradigm, the concept of consilience, and his healing technique working with mice injected with breast cancer, as well as disrupted cells. His cycling technique may be replicated as a harmonic signal.
Is there biologic memory? Can energy healing impact the genome?Can energy healing heal cancer? William Bengston, PhD, talks about his latest research into these questions and more.
Lessons from the life of Marion Rosen. A short documentary based on interviews that Roger Dackegaard did with Marion Rosen in Berkeley 2009.
When Dr. Ida P. Rolf, Ph.D. developed Rolfing Structural Integration (SI) more than 60 years ago, she first called her method structural integration. The genius of the work rests on Dr.
Anat studied and worked with Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais for 11 years. In their work together, Dr. Feldenkrais encouraged Anat to find her own voice. He was adamant that Anat do the work in her own distinct way, which allowed her to fully develop and evolve the Anat Baniel Method.
This book gives us a look behind the scenes of a Rosen Method bodywork session. The author reveals the philosophy that results in the deceptively simple words and touch that prove to be the magic key to unlocking tension held for years in the body.
Through the author’s detailed and caring guidance, you’ll discover how to achieve vitality and a sense of new aliveness that you may have not experienced since your childhood.
What are clinical studies revealing about The Bengston Energy Healing Method? How can healing effects extend beyond the session, client, and healer? Tune into this super exciting episode of Kaleidoscope of Possibilities that will open your mind and your being to the infinite possibilities for...