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Efforts by Women of Faith to Achieve Gender Equality

By Rachel Koehler, Gwen Calais-Haase — 2018

Here are five ways in which women of faith are fighting for gender equality at work and in broader society—empowering young women as feminist and womanist theologians, faith community leaders, social justice advocates, and elected officials.

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Why Has COVID-19 Been Especially Harmful for Working Women?

COVID-19 is hard on women because the U.S. economy is hard on women, and this virus excels at taking existing tensions and ratcheting them up.

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‘Women Are Just Better at this Stuff’: Is Emotional Labor Feminism’s Next Frontier?

From remembering birthdays to offering service with a smile, life has a layer of daily responsibility that is hardly discussed—one which falls disproportionately on women. Finally confronting it could be a revolutionary step.

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Why I’m Over Women’s ‘Empowerment’

It can’t be about “empowerment” any longer. To make real progress, it has to be about power—using and growing the power we women already have.

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The Connection Between Diversity, Inclusion and Corporate Responsibility

With the #MeToo movement and the many, often painful episodes of racial friction, we are reaching a new public consciousness and consensus around the need to understand each other’s perspectives.

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Female Empowerment