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Does Witchcraft Hold the Secret to Happiness?

By Ariel Gore — 2019

Claiming the witch archetype is a means of self-empowerment.

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How to Be a Witch Without Stealing other People’s Cultures

Below the surface of the internet witch trend is a complex history of disenfranchised spiritualities that were first colonized and demonized, and now appropriated and whitewashed.

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Q&A with the Rev. William Barber, Building “Fusion Coalition” that Unites People Against Poverty

Barber makes clear his belief that the role of Christians is to call for social justice and allow the “rejected stones” of American society—the poor, people of color, women, LGBTQIA people, immigrants, religious minorities—to lead the way.

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The Guardian View on Pope Francis: A Voice in the Wilderness

Guardian editorial--No other spiritual leader is speaking out so clearly for the poor and for the environment in the developing world."

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Finding Our Way in Post-Trump America

Historians, theologians, artists, and activists reflect on where we go from here.

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Who Owns the Land?

No one disputes that decades ago local Indians were unfairly deprived of hundreds of thousands of acres that were guaranteed to them in perpetuity by solemn treaty; yet no one can agree about what should be done to correct that injustice today.

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The Case for Reparations

Two hundred fifty years of slavery. Ninety years of Jim Crow. Sixty years of separate but equal. Thirty-five years of racist housing policy. Until we reckon with our compounding moral debts, America will never be whole.

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The Case for Reparations: An Intellectual Autopsy

Four years ago, I opposed reparations. Here's the story of how my thinking has evolved since then.

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Author Ta-Nehisi Coates Criticized Mitch McConnell for Saying Slavery’s Effects Were in the Past

Just one day after Mitch McConnell spoke out against reparations for slavery, author Ta-Nehisi Coates passionately argued in favor of them at a House hearing on the topic.

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The Apocalyptic Baldwin

I Am Not Your Negro shows how James Baldwin became disillusioned about the possibility of any peaceful resolution to racism, but underplays the force of his internationalist and anti-capitalist perspective.

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‘There Is Not Some Separation Between Jesus and Justice.’ How Rev. William J. Barber II Uses His Faith to Fight for the Poor

Barber’s newsmaking actions were founded on the idea that being a person of faith means fighting for justice.

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Female Empowerment