By Ariel Gore — 2019
Claiming the witch archetype is a means of self-empowerment.
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Everything you need to know is here - The Sabbats, Casting & Banishing the Magic Circle, The Complete Book of Shadows, The Great Rite, Initiation Rites, Consecration Rites, Spells, Witches' Tools, Witchcraft & Sex, Running a Coven, Clairvoyance, and Astral Projection.
Change your life with this enchantingly easy beginner’s spell book. We all have magic inside of us. It allows us to connect with the natural world and invite new opportunities into our lives.
Almost thirty years since its original publication, Drawing Down the Moon continues to be the only detailed history of the burgeoning but still widely misunderstood Neo- Pagan subculture.
Scott Cunningham's classic introduction to Wicca is about how to live life magically, spiritually, and wholly attuned with nature.
Buckland's Book of Saxon Witchcraft was one of the first books to explore Wicca from a solitary perspective.
From Abracadabra to Aleister Crowley to Gardnerian Witchcraft to Rosemary's Baby to sorcery and Zoroaster, The Witch Book by the late, great Raymond Buckland is unmatched in its coverage of witchcraft’s historical, practical, and cultural aspects. A student of the late Wicca pioneer Dr.
You will learn how to master spells, rites, traditions, and celebrations alone while learning the following: · The advantages and drawbacks of practicing solitary Wicca · Constructing the tools and sacred space needed to create magic every day · Using dreamwork, tarot...
The Complete Witches' Handbook.Everything you need to know is here! The Sabbats; Casting & Banishing the Magic Circle; The Complete Book of Shadows; The Great Rite; Initiation Rites; Consecration Rites; Spells; Witches' Tools; Witchcraft & Sex; Running a Coven; Clairvoyance; Astral Projection.
MLK’s classic account of the first successful large-scale act of nonviolent resistance in America: the Montgomery bus boycott. A young Dr. King wrote Stride Toward Freedom just 2 years after the successful completion of the boycott.
A powerful collection of the most essential speeches from famed social activist and key civil rights figure Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. This companion volume to A Knock At Midnight: Inspiration from the Great Sermons of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.