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Preventing Parent Burnout

By Julia Johnson Attaway

Meeting the emotional challenges of caring for children with mental health issues. Parenting is hard work, and parenting a child with mental health issues is exponentially harder. You’re almost certainly putting in more effort than any other mom or dad you know, yet your kid may still be at risk, struggling, or making less progress than her peers. This raises a crucial question: How can you keep going without becoming exhausted?

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Frustrated at Work? That Might Just Lead to Your Next Breakthrough

Frustration is the feeling of being blocked from a goal. Although it sounds like a destructive emotion, it can actually be a source of creative fuel.

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Mentorship Will Be the Key to Retaining Your Very Best Talent in a Remote World

Simply put, there’s a new future of work coming — a remote workforce. In that environment, nurturing, inspiring, and developing employees will be even more critical, and mentorship is a key part of the equation.

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Going Back to Work

People with cancer often want to get back to work. Their jobs not only give them an income but also a sense of routine. Work helps people feel good about themselves. Before you go back to work, talk with your doctor as well as your boss.

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What to Do When a Coworker Has Cancer

Figuring out what to say—or what not to say—can feel daunting.

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Work Is Weird. Alison Green of Ask a Manager Can Help.

Humans are odd in so many different ways, and no place brings that out more than the office. Here’s how to deal with the routine strangeness of desk jobs.

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