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How to Stay Focused on Your Goals When You Are Worn Out

By James Clear — 2021

We all have goals and dreams, but it can be difficult to stick with them.

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Rather Than Look for a Completely New Job, Use This Approach by a Former Monk to Rediscover Passion and Purpose in Your Current Role

In order to unveil our dharma, we have to identify our passions — the activities we both love and are naturally inclined to do well.

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Top 15 Reasons Why Passion at Work Is Important

Every individual differs in paradigms, perceptions, and passions. As stated by Einstein “Every person is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to fly high, it will give its entire life believing that it is an inane”.

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What Is Passion at Work?

The question, and the questioning string which followed it, was also designed to see how people’s minds worked on a topic that brought purpose to their life. It did not matter about which topic they were passionate. It mattered that they were manifestly passionate about something.

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Passion for Work: 12 Ways It Helps Your Career

Your passion for work can position you to achieve your career your goals quicker and not having it would make your career journey less fulfilling.

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5 Skills to Help You Develop Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is a set of skills you can get better at with practice. Here are five skills you can cultivate to make you a more emotionally intelligent person.

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Future of Work: Meet the Guru Architect that Could Make You Love Your Job

How Pamela Abalu got out of the cubicle hamster wheel with a single mantra: “Work is love made visible.”

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6 High-Performance Habits Only the Most Extraordinary People Share, Backed by Science

Why do some people succeed more quickly than others, and maintain that success over the course of decades?

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‘Scream at Me’: What Arianna Huffington Tells All Her New Hires

“The one non-negotiable is to create a culture of what we call ‘compassionate directness’, where people are empowered to express concerns, dissatisfactions, good ideas they have—and to do it in a compassionate way,”

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Athlete Well-Being