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Tips to Help Adults with ADD/ADHD Stay Focused at Work

By Keath Low — 2020

Work can cause many frustrations for those with attention deficit disorder (ADD) or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Here are some tips and strategies for making your work life easier and more productive.

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We Need to Talk About ADHD Stigma in BIPOC Communities

Battling stigma is nothing new in the ADHD community. In Black and other marginalized communities, it abounds—outside and, even worse, inside Black families. But reducing stigma in BIPOC communities is not all on us.

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Black Women Can Be Diagnosed With ADHD, Too

Who gets to be diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, and who gets left out? You can probably guess the answer.

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She Got ADHD: A Black Millennial’s Journey to Self-Acceptance

“My work never adequately represented my effort or my intelligence. No one saw how often I stayed up late to finish projects or how many used sticky notes were pasted all over my room and planner to remind myself of tasks.”

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What Does it Mean to Be Creative at the End of the World?

A few months and many deaths ago, I woke up exhausted, again. Every morning, I felt like I was rebuilding myself from the ground up. Waking up was hard. Getting to my desk to write was hard. Taking care of my body was hard. Remembering the point of it all was hard.

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