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Research Reveals a Surprising Solution for Anxiety

By Diane Dreher — 2019

How compassion can help you relieve stress.

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Stress Makes Us Strong: How Meditation Helps

Stressing the body makes you stronger—as long as you have time to rest and recover.

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Balanced Fitness, Tougher Brain

A short meditation can make you stronger in the place you need it most.

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Positive Affirmations to Relieve Anxiety and Stress

From giving an important presentation at work to attending a party by yourself, there are countless situations that can be impacted by negative thoughts.

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Yoga, Mindfulness, and Seeing Clearly

If we practice skillful states of body, mind, and heart, we will feel them at every level of our being.

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Overcoming Anxiety

In many ways, anxiety is a healthy response to an external stimulus. We should be in a heightened or aroused state when we give a speech, fly in a plane during times of intense turbulence, or encounter a potential threat from a neighbor's Rottweiler who has broken lose from their yard.

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Chronic Anxiety