By Tita Angangco — 2021
Tita Angangco, cofounder of The Centre for Mindfulness Studies, shares a loving-kindness meditation that serves as an ignition to spark change.
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“What is meditation? Pure fascination with this moment, exactly as it is”. Jeff Foster, a survivor of suicidal depression and now a popular spiritual teacher, invites us to discover the “life-saving” inner sanctuary of true meditation.
In our complex world, facilitation and mediation skills are as important for individuals as they are for organizations.
If you are beginning your meditative journey, Buddhist teacher and meditation master Mingyur Rinpoche provides simple guidance on how to connect with and develop awareness to get you started.
It may be hard for an egg to turn into a bird: it would be a jolly sight harder for a bird to learn to fly while remaining an egg. We are like eggs at present. And you cannot go on indefinitely being just an ordinary, decent egg. We must be hatched or go bad.
Over the coming weeks on A Lust for Life our intention is to get as many of you as possible meditating every day, helping you to establish a daily practice. We are hugely passionate about helping you to learn to meditate because we know from personal experience that the benefits are life changing.
Shinzen talks about the technique he calls "do nothing", which is associated with what other traditions call choiceless awareness, just sitting, the great perfection (dzogchen), and mahamudra. Shinzen's instructions for how to do this is: "Let whatever happens happen.
Just as water runs naturally downhill … just as leaves float naturally to the ground … we can all settle naturally into meditation. Not trying, just allowing—not doing, just being. The key is effortlessness.
Meditation is one of the most important things to learn in order to live a life of joy, health and love. This is a rare meditation book that offers advanced meditations made simple. Loch Kelly goes to the root of suffering by introducing us to the ultimate medicine of awake awareness.
Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895–1986) went from his origins in a small south Indian village to become one of the great spiritual teachers of the twentieth century.
With just five minutes of meditation a day, you can dial down that constant inner chatter and turn up the volume of your true positive essence.