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Helical Visions

By Mark Pilkington — 2005

In 1985, Swiss-Canadian anthropology student Jeremy Narby spent a year at Quirishari in the Peruvian Amazon, studying how the Ashaninca tribe made use of indigenous resources.

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Introducing Ayahuasca

Amazonian healing traditions collide with Western medical sensibilities.

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The Colonization of the Ayahuasca Experience

The growing popularity of "authentic" ayahuasca rituals in Western circles can present multiple problems, including indigenous fetishization, a lack of cultural context for traditional ceremonies, and potential abuse from untrustworthy shamans, all of which can be problematic or sometimes even...

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Science, Spirituality and Ayahuasca: Interview with Joe Tafur, MD

In this recent conversation we had with Dr. Tafur, he shares his perspective on what the materialistic West stands to learn from the mystical side of spirituality, emotions, and mental health.

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Is Ayahuasca an Antidote to Modern Life?

In 1995 I published a book called The Cosmic Serpent that dealt with ayahuasca and other subjects. The enthusiasm of many readers took me by surprise. In the book I describe ayahuasca as foul-tasting and my experience drinking it as an ordeal involving vomiting and frightening visions of serpents.

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The Grandmother Plant—and What Turned on Consciousness

Here, we asked Graham Hancock about plant medicine, the purpose and meaning of hallucinogenic experiences, and what bigger opportunities he sees for humanity in all of this.

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Alberto Villoldo – 2012-The Next Step of Evolution?

For the shaman-the shaman is a medicine man or woman-they differentiate between information and knowledge. Information is knowing that water is H20; knowledge is being able to make it rain. Information is knowing a diagnosis; knowledge is being able to heal. - Alberto Villoldo

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South American Shamanism