By Mark Pilkington — 2005
In 1985, Swiss-Canadian anthropology student Jeremy Narby spent a year at Quirishari in the Peruvian Amazon, studying how the Ashaninca tribe made use of indigenous resources.
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Amazonian healing traditions collide with Western medical sensibilities.
Interventions rooted in indigenous traditions are helping to prevent suicide and addiction in American Indian and Alaska Native communities.
People of color are dealing with racism all the time, in large and small ways, and even dealing with racism in healthcare, even dealing with racism in therapy.
A recent study found that even a single positive psychedelic experience may ease mental health symptoms associated with racial trauma experienced by Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC).
There is an emerging push within the scientific community to study these known recreational drugs as treatments for psychiatric conditions that could potentially be more effective with fewer side effects than traditional psychiatric medications.
Dr. Jones strives to be a model of clarity, healing, and evolutionary truth for each of her clients, but most importantly, herself. - Kelley Raye