By Tim Lott — 2012
Forget about learning from the past and applying those lessons to the future: reclaim and expand the present moment.
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Zen is a branch of Mahayana Buddhism that originated in China, when Buddhists were introduced to Taoists.
Well, in the same way, all sorts of things that we believe to be real--time, past and future, for instance--exist only conventionally. A person who lives for the future, who (like most of us) makes his happiness dependent upon what is coming in the future, is living within an illusion. - Alan Watts
In The Zen of Therapy, Mark Epstein weaves together two ways of understanding how humans can feel more settled in their lives.
The definition of emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize, differentiate, and manage our emotions and the emotions of others. The notion of emotions being important in our lives goes all the way back to the ancient Greeks.
Our expert explains the etymology of samsara.
Essentially each practitioner of Buddhist meditation makes the journey alone, but many find that committing themselves to the three jewels—Buddha, dharma, and sangha—helps take them further.
One of the roots of the word parami conveys the sense of “supreme quality.” Pāramītā means “going toward” something, going toward perfection.
For me, the worst part of ADHD isn’t being fidgety or hyper-focused; it’s under-discussed symptoms such as time blindness and impulsive spending—which have made my finances a constant struggle.
If you have ADHD, time-blindness is as intentional as colorblindness.
As Neurodivergent people, our differences in executive functioning skills such as focus and attention, emotional and impulse control, working memory, planning, and organization can all be linked to our distinct perception of time.