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‘It Never Stops Shaping You’: The Legacy of Child Sexual Abuse – And How to Survive It

By Gabby Hinsliff — 2018

Child sexual abuse is frighteningly common and hugely damaging. But a new project is collecting survivors’ stories – and revealing what is needed to heal

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Black Masculinity and Mental Health: How to Move Past Outdated Roles and Encourage Better Care

Expectations surrounding Black masculinity, such as the requirement to be strong and stoic, have often prevented Black men from seeking mental health care. But it's possible to overcome this reluctance and make mental wellness a priority.

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Male Depression and Anxiety in Athletes

Michael Phelps, the most decorated athlete in Olympic history with 28 medals, has acknowledged that after the 2012 games, his longtime depression was so overwhelming he thought about killing himself.

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To Be a Man: Fully Facing Rape and Awakening to True Masculine Power

Redefining true masculine power opens the floodgates to healing men and society as a whole

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Child’s Trauma