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‘It Never Stops Shaping You’: The Legacy of Child Sexual Abuse – And How to Survive It

By Gabby Hinsliff — 2018

Child sexual abuse is frighteningly common and hugely damaging. But a new project is collecting survivors’ stories – and revealing what is needed to heal

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Healing Touch with Guided Imagery Could Help Relieve PTSD Symptoms in Soldiers, Study Suggests

Some complementary medicine techniques seem to improve symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in soldiers, according to a small new study.

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Finally Figuring Out What Helps Troops with Posttraumatic Stress

The tools that work so well are neither complicated nor expensive. They’re interventions that ping on the primitive structures in the brain, where posttraumatic stress sits and wreaks its havoc. These are tools like guided imagery, relaxation, meditation, hypnosis, and breath work.

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Child’s Trauma