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‘It Never Stops Shaping You’: The Legacy of Child Sexual Abuse – And How to Survive It

By Gabby Hinsliff — 2018

Child sexual abuse is frighteningly common and hugely damaging. But a new project is collecting survivors’ stories – and revealing what is needed to heal

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All That’s Good and Bad about Silicon Valley’s Stoicism Fad

Over 2,000 years after it rose to prominence, Stoicism is unexpectedly popular in Silicon Valley. Could tech's overlords have found a philosophy bigger than themselves?

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What Is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and How Does It Work?

Whether you’re seeking help for a diagnosed mental health condition or just looking for some extra support, CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)—which is based on the idea that our thoughts shape our reality and behavior—might be exactly what’s needed.

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Child’s Trauma