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Can Racism Cause PTSD?

By Monnica T. Williams — 2013

One major factor in understanding PTSD in ethnoracial minorities is the impact of racism on emotional and psychological well-being. Racism continues to be a daily part of American culture, and racial barriers have an overwhelming impact on the oppressed.

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The Intersectionality Wars

When Kimberlé Crenshaw coined the term 30 years ago, it was a relatively obscure legal concept. Then it went viral.

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The BIPOC Project

The BIPOC Project aims to build authentic and lasting solidarity among Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC), in order to undo Native invisibility, anti-Blackness, dismantle white supremacy and advance racial justice.

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The Breathwork Practitioner Who Holds Space for Racial Trauma

“In the moment, how many times have you felt something was off and your well-meaning friends have met you with, ‘Well, are you sure? Where’s the evidence?’” asks Jasmine Marie, an Atlanta-based breathwork practitioner and the founder of Black Girls Breathing.

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Race and Healing: Expanding the Conversation

Now, more than ever, people want to engage in meaningful dialogue about race and racism. It’s a vital goal, but how do we translate intention into practice? In the therapy world, what are clinicians of color telling their white colleagues?

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The Psychology of Radical Healing

What can psychology tell us about healing from racial and ethnic trauma?

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Mental Health Effects of Racism on Indigenous Communities

Racism is increasingly recognized as a factor that plays a role in mental health as well as disparities in mental health care. This can be particularly true among many of the most marginalized groups, including Indigenous communities.

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How Latino Catholics Are Grappling with Their Own History of Racism

The United States is going through a national examination of conscience on the question of race, and the Latino community is no exception.

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21-Day Racial Equity Indigenous Challenge – Fighting White Supremacy Since 1492

“Just a reminder: the system in what is currently known as the US isn’t ‘broken.’ It was designed by male white supremacist slaveowners on stolen Indigenous land to protect their interests. It’s working as it was designed.” ~Dr. Adrienne Keene (Cherokee)

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Race, Reclamation, and the Resilience Revolution

In the wake of the death of George Floyd, a black man killed by police in Minneapolis, dharma teacher Larry Ward says we have to “create communities of resilience,” and offers his mantras for this time.

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The Case for Reparations

Two hundred fifty years of slavery. Ninety years of Jim Crow. Sixty years of separate but equal. Thirty-five years of racist housing policy. Until we reckon with our compounding moral debts, America will never be whole.

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Post-Traumatic Stress (PTSD)