By Larry Ward — 2020
In the wake of the death of George Floyd, a black man killed by police in Minneapolis, dharma teacher Larry Ward says we have to “create communities of resilience,” and offers his mantras for this time.
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Community Dharma Leader Pamela Ayo Yetunde speaks with psychotherapist Resmaa Menakem about his New York Times bestselling book My Grandmother’s Hands: Racialized Trauma and a Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies.
Jesus was not white. You’d be forgiven for thinking otherwise if you’ve ever entered a Western church or visited an art gallery.
Below the surface of the internet witch trend is a complex history of disenfranchised spiritualities that were first colonized and demonized, and now appropriated and whitewashed.
Until recently, the majority of research on microaggressions has focused on asking people targeted by microaggressions about their experiences and perspectives, rather than researching the offenders. This previous research is crucial.
“Just a reminder: the system in what is currently known as the US isn’t ‘broken.’ It was designed by male white supremacist slaveowners on stolen Indigenous land to protect their interests. It’s working as it was designed.” ~Dr. Adrienne Keene (Cherokee)
Robin DiAngelo’s best seller is giving white Americans a new way to talk about race. Do those conversations actually serve the cause of equality?
“The history is what the history is. And it is disrespectful, to white people, to soften the history.”
Serene Jones discusses the concepts of grace and sin in this 2019 interview.
As both James Baldwin and Martin Luther King, Jr., insisted, America is an identity that white people will protect at any cost, and the country’s history—its founding documents, its national heroes—is the supporting argument that underpins that identity.
America has been dealing with race issues for a long time. Perhaps making more headway requires a different approach—one that’s less conceptual, more body-focused.