By Peggy Rowe Ward and Larry Ward — 2020
Peggy Rowe Ward and Larry Ward on how to give yourself the love and compassion you deserve. And send some of that love to the wounded child inside you. They need it.
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Peaceful protest has long been a way for ordinary people to take a stand against hate, injustice, and corruption. The contentious issues – and types of repression meted out – may change with the times, but the violence itself remains a constant for activists.
In the midst of trauma, everything means something. Signs and symbols appear. You’ve noticed them before, you’re a writer, but now you see them everywhere.
Pema Khandro Rinpoche on cultivating the boundless love of a bodhisattva.
In 1989, at one of the first international Buddhist teacher meetings, Western teachers brought up the enormous problem of unworthiness and self-criticism, shame and self-hatred that frequently they arise in Western students’ practice.
In order to flower, self-compassion depends on honest, direct contact with our own vulnerability. Compassion fully blossoms when we actively offer care to ourselves.