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Cold Comfort: Can the Wim Hof Method Combat Covid? He Thinks So

By Charlotte Edwardes — 2020

Disciples of 61-year-old Wim Hof climb mountains in bikinis and party barefoot in the snow. He tells Charlotte Edwardes how he turned the health benefits of ice into a lucrative business, with millions of followers—one ended up becoming his much younger second wife.

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Discipline, Routine and Focus Can Create an Amazing Life: Jay Shetty

Jay Shetty on his latest book, his experiences living as a monk in India and the necessity of routine in one’s life.

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Why You Should Stop Hacking Your Life and Invest in the Journey

There is nothing sexy or meme-worthy about the journey. It’s hard. It’s painful. It’s not glossy and doesn’t lend itself to a hashtag or a glib tweet. It will never trend on Twitter.

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Physical Health