By The Hindu — 2010
T.K.V. Desikachar on teaching yoga to J. Krishnamurti, popularising the discipline and making the city of Chennai his own
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You don’t have to be the Yoda of yoga to reap major mental health benefits. Yoga can be an amazing form of therapy for beginners, experts, and everyone in between. Here’s how yoga therapy can help you feel better inside and out.
Resmaaa connects the healing of your body, mind, and soul with the healing of our country and our world.
Like many Westerners, I always assumed that meditation was a “spiritual” phenomenon, which I took to mean that it somehow had to do with realms beyond the physical.
A panel discussion with Phillip Moffitt, Cyndi Lee, Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and Reggie Ray. Introduction by Anne Carolyn Klein.
One of the most difficult aspects of dining out for Maria Lee wasn't deciding what to order or calculating whether she could spare the expense. It was getting up from her chair.
The Feldenkrais Method is a somatic, or body-oriented, intervention designed to help people reconnect with their bodies and learn ways to move with greater efficiency. It may help a person increase vitality, coordination, and achieve overall improved well-being.
When a person experiences traumatic events, the aftermath can be extremely debilitating. Trauma not only affects the mind, but can have lifelong effects on the body.
We hold our grief hard in the belly. We store fear and disappointment, anger and guilt in our gut. Softening the Belly… of Sorrow Our belly has become fossilized with a long resistance to life and to loss.
Moving your body is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your mind.