By Chuck Schaeffer — 2018
Coping with the psychological and physiological shifts of fatherhood.
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Every year, my son’s aide makes me a Father’s Day card.
A week or so before the order to shelter in place went into effect in Los Angeles, Adonis Bosso felt the tug of home.
We live in a culture where in many families, the father is still the primary breadwinner. Even when mothers work outside the home, the work of maintaining the home also falls largely to them. But typical gender roles are not feeling so typical.
A new study finds that levels of testosterone, the "macho" sex hormone, drop in new fathers.
After 40 years of visiting the Barí Indians in Venezuela, anthropologists have discovered a new twist on family values.
Studies say that engaged fathers make for happier, more motivated employees. Here’s our startup’s reality.
What I really learned while trying to become "World's Greatest Dad."
Being a dad can be a blast but it can help to know what to expect.
Too often, we ignore how much fathers matter to children.
Emerging research has proven it: Men’s bodies are built to parent, and involved fathers bring benefits to almost every aspect of their kids’ lives. (And—bonus!—there’s a payoff for dads, too.)