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In Good Faith? U.S. Legal Battle Over Gay Adoption Intensifies

By Oscar Lopez — 2020

When Fatma Marouf and her wife Bryn Esplin decided to foster refugee children in their home state of Texas, being rejected because of their sexual orientation never crossed their minds.

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Adopting a Child of a Different Race? Let’s Talk | Susan Devan Harness | TEDxMileHigh

Every year, thousands of children are adopted by parents of a different race—what we call “transracial adoption.” It can provide tremendous benefits, like a higher quality of living & a better education—but a significant psychological toll, too.

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The Other Mothers: Two Women’s Journey to Find the Family that Was Always Theirs

An LGBTQ memoir about one couple’s struggles to defy the patriarchy and redefine the nuclear family, The Other Mothers dives into the history and social challenges queer couples face when trying to make a family.

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