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My Adoptive Parents Hid My Racial Identity from Me for 19 Years

By Melissa Guida-Richards — 2021

My parents successfully passed me off as a dark-skinned Italian for 19 years of my life.

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How Latino Catholics Are Grappling with Their Own History of Racism

The United States is going through a national examination of conscience on the question of race, and the Latino community is no exception.

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For Many Poor Students, the Ivy League is Culture Shock

For a kid from a disadvantaged home or community, landing at an exclusive college can be dislocating, oppressive, even suffocating.

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Cultural Humility: A Way to Reduce Health Disparities in the BIPOC Community

While some may say cancer does not discriminate, certain demographic groups bear a disproportionate burden as it relates to incidence, prevalence, mortality, survivorship, outcomes, and other cancer-related measures.

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ADHD Assessments and Cultural Impact–Diagnosis and Treatment in BIPOC Patients: A Special Report

Culturally sensitive interactions may provide clinicians relevant context for patient and caregiver discussions when an ADHD diagnosis is in order.

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A Guide for Co-Creating Access & Inclusion

This guide is for people who are considering working with and for disabled people, perhaps for the very first time. It includes a brief introduction to disability justice, and then focuses on artistic and pedagogical work with the disability community.

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How to Respond to Microaggressions

Should you let that comment slide, or address it head on? Is it more harm than it’s worth? We can help.

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