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My Adoptive Parents Hid My Racial Identity from Me for 19 Years

By Melissa Guida-Richards — 2021

My parents successfully passed me off as a dark-skinned Italian for 19 years of my life.

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The Case for Reparations

Two hundred fifty years of slavery. Ninety years of Jim Crow. Sixty years of separate but equal. Thirty-five years of racist housing policy. Until we reckon with our compounding moral debts, America will never be whole.

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The Case for Reparations: An Intellectual Autopsy

Four years ago, I opposed reparations. Here's the story of how my thinking has evolved since then.

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Ta-Nehisi Coates Revisits the Case for Reparations

“When I wrote ‘The Case for Reparations,’ my notion wasn’t that you could actually get reparations passed, even in my lifetime,” Coates says.

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