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My Adoptive Parents Hid My Racial Identity from Me for 19 Years

By Melissa Guida-Richards — 2021

My parents successfully passed me off as a dark-skinned Italian for 19 years of my life.

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As an Asian American, I’m Giving Myself Permission to Speak Up

As a Filipino-American, Jo Encarnacion understands the intergenerational trauma and pain triggered by the latest wave of Asian hate and violence. She also understands that staying silent is no longer an option.

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Don’t Rock the Boat

I’ve been thinking about this phrase a lot lately, about how unfair it is. Because we aren’t the ones rocking the boat. It’s the crazy lady jumping up and down and running side to side.

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Understand Intergenerational Trauma.

Intergenerational trauma is manifest amongst Southeast Asian refugees of the Vietnam-American war – a conflict that accounted for three million Vietnamese deaths and more than two million Laotian and Cambodian deaths.

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Helping Children of Color Heal from Collective Trauma

At the individual level, the psychological effects of trauma can be acute or long term, depending on a person’s experience and access to care. But at the community level, a complex and collective experience of trauma can lead to irreparable harm that lasts for generations.

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Voice, Choice, and Power: Healing Intergenerational Trauma with Dr. Ruby Gibson


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Coping with Racial Trauma

While individuals of all racial-ethnic minority groups are at risk of experiencing racial discrimination and racial trauma, Black Americans are especially at risk, as anti-Black racism is individual, systemic, and historical.

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Unpacking the Embodied Plantation Backpack

If you have an African American body, welcome. I wrote this blog post—and the body practice at the end—especially for you. (Everyone else, welcome as well—but please skip the body practice.)

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The Drama of the Gifted Child

The wisdom that Alice Miller shares with us in her famous book, The Drama of the Gifted Child, is something that every therapist who works with children revisits more often than we would like.

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Healing Racialized Trauma Begins with Your Body

Resmaaa connects the healing of your body, mind, and soul with the healing of our country and our world.

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Resmaa Menakem on Why Healing Racism Begins with the Body

Trauma therapist and author of My Grandmother's Hands talks honestly and directly about the historical and current traumatic impacts of racism in the U.S., and the necessity for us all to recognize this trauma, metabolize it, work through it, and grow up out of it.

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