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My Adoptive Parents Hid My Racial Identity from Me for 19 Years

By Melissa Guida-Richards — 2021

My parents successfully passed me off as a dark-skinned Italian for 19 years of my life.

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4 Ways ‘Strong Black Woman Syndrome’ Keeps Us Poor

The Strong Black Women Syndrome demands that Black women never buckle, never feel vulnerable and, most important, never, ever put their own needs above anyone else’s—not their children’s, not their community’s, not the people for whom they work—no matter how detrimental it is to their...

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The Meaning of Serena Williams

There is a belief among some African-Americans that to defeat racism, they have to work harder, be smarter, be better.

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Your Silence Will Not Protect You by Audre Lorde Review–Prophetic and Necessary

The black lesbian feminist writer and poet, who died 25 years ago, is better known than ever, her words often quoted in books and on social media.

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How Many Fathers Are Best?

After 40 years of visiting the Barí Indians in Venezuela, anthropologists have discovered a new twist on family values.

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