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My Adoptive Parents Hid My Racial Identity from Me for 19 Years

By Melissa Guida-Richards — 2021

My parents successfully passed me off as a dark-skinned Italian for 19 years of my life.

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I Was Taught that Therapy Was “Para Locos”—But the Pandemic Pushed Me to See It Differently

Eso es para locos. Esta generación... siempre inventando. These are the words I’d hear anytime I mentioned therapy or mental health growing up.

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Life as a Stepmother is No Fairytale—I Feel Sorry for My Wife

The children are angry and vulnerable, the father sides with them out of guilt, and stepmothers are just expected to suck it all up

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A New Way of Parenting That May Change Your Family

Conscious parenting turns our parenting paradigm right-side up.

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‘If You Focus on Control, You Have Lost the Battle’: How to Win Back Your Kids

From screen time to teenage rebellion, it’s easy to feel that children are slipping out of your grasp. Trusting your instincts can help.

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Why Are So Many Adults Today Haunted by Trauma?

Our political and social systems don't support fundamental human needs, says Gabor Mate—which affects our ability to deal with traumatic events.

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Autism and Family Life

An autism diagnosis affects the whole family. Explore ways to help parents, siblings, and extended family to live well with and support an autistic family member.

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8 Tips for Talking About Mental Health with Your Asian Family

“When I started my undergraduate degree in psychology, my grandmother said she was afraid I would become pagal (“crazy”) because of it.

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Conflicts That Plague Family Businesses

The job of operating a family-owned company is often grievously complicated by friction arising from rivalries involving a father and his son, brothers, or other family members who hold positions in the business, or at least derive income from it

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Don’t Rock the Boat

I’ve been thinking about this phrase a lot lately, about how unfair it is. Because we aren’t the ones rocking the boat. It’s the crazy lady jumping up and down and running side to side.

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Becoming a Stepparent

Becoming a stepparent by blending families or marrying someone with kids can be rewarding and fulfilling. If you've never had kids, you'll get the chance to share your life with a younger person and help to shape his or her character.

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