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My Adoptive Parents Hid My Racial Identity from Me for 19 Years

By Melissa Guida-Richards — 2021

My parents successfully passed me off as a dark-skinned Italian for 19 years of my life.

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Aaron Rose Philip on Manifesting the Future of Black Creativity

The model, artist and photographer made history when she walked the Moschino runway in her chair this season. She’s also the first creative we’re spotlighting from the BTF100, debuting today.

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Catering to My Environment as a Parent with a Disability

Because I’m at ease with my disability and have grown to understand my limitations, it’s been easier for me to figure out solutions to what might be everyday obstacles to other people.

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Mom Talk: The Many Gifts of Parenting with a Disability

Born with a rare neuromuscular condition, the New York–based mother of twins and psychotherapist has dealt with physical limitations her whole life. But what these limitations have resulted in is a rich list of abilities and lessons that she is uniquely suited to pass down to her children.

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Parents with Disabilities Are Often Overlooked in Society

But despite the challenges, kids raised by one or more disabled parents often benefit immensely from the experience.

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It’s Perfectly OK to Call a Disabled Person ‘Disabled,’ and Here’s Why

We’ve been taught to refer to people with disabilities using person-first language, but that might be doing more harm than good.

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The Case for Improving Work for People with Disabilities Goes Way Beyond Compliance

Individuals with disabilities frequently encounter workplace discrimination, bias, exclusion, and career plateaus—meaning their employers lose out on enormous innovation and talent potential.

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Women with Disabilities Face Significant Financial Inequity in the Workplace. What Can Be Done?

Women with disabilities are often doubly penalized—for being women and for being disabled.

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Bruce Lee’s Philosophy on Life: 6 Simple, Transformative Words.

“Use only that which works, and take it from any place you can find it.” ~ Bruce Lee The premise of his philosophy was efficiency—complete and utter efficiency of the soul.

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What Is Ableism, and What Is Its Impact?

Ableism refers to bias, prejudice, and discrimination against people with disabilities. It hinges on the idea that people with disabilities are less valuable than nondisabled people.

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Does My Wheelchair Make You Uncomfortable? How My Disability May Have Cost Me a Job.

I’m a tenured, deeply qualified New York City teacher, but some only see my disability. At least my students know the impact I can make in the world.

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