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My Adoptive Parents Hid My Racial Identity from Me for 19 Years

By Melissa Guida-Richards — 2021

My parents successfully passed me off as a dark-skinned Italian for 19 years of my life.

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Models Chella Man and Aaron Philip Demand Better Representation for Disabled Communities

Models and best friends Chella Man and Aaron Philip are challenging fashion ideals. The two discuss growing up feeling excluded and invisible and detail the bravery it takes to be the change you want to see.

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Serena Williams: How Black Women Can Close the Pay Gap

Black women are 37 cents behind men in the pay gap—in other words, for every dollar a man makes, black women make 63 cents.

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Read the Most Important Speech Nelson Mandela Ever Gave

What began as a statement by an accused prisonor became, over the 29 minutes it took Mandela to deliver it, his best known and most important speech. It was a recounting of his story up to that point, an expression of his views and a morally forceful argument on behalf of his cause.

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Nelson Mandela's Five Most Memorable Speeches

Excerpts from 'An ideal I am prepared to die for' and other memorable speeches by Mandela.

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