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My Adoptive Parents Hid My Racial Identity from Me for 19 Years

By Melissa Guida-Richards — 2021

My parents successfully passed me off as a dark-skinned Italian for 19 years of my life.

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Models Chella Man and Aaron Philip Demand Better Representation for Disabled Communities

Models and best friends Chella Man and Aaron Philip are challenging fashion ideals. The two discuss growing up feeling excluded and invisible and detail the bravery it takes to be the change you want to see.

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How Lorenza Bottner’s Prescient Art Created Space for Disabled and Trans People

At Documenta 14, the 2017 edition of the touted art festival that takes place once every five years in Kassel, it was an artist heretofore unknown to much of the art world who stole the show: Lorenza Böttner, a German painter, dancer, and performance artist who, in the ’80s and ’90s, began...

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For Queer Men of Color, Pressure to Have a Perfect Body Is About Race Too

For many of us, men with broad shoulders, narrow hips, taut muscles, and white skin — sun-kissed or pale under hot lights — became an ideal we couldn’t escape. We coveted images of these bodies like treasure, and they educated us in the rules of attraction.

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Nothing Good Can Ever Come from Weighing Your Child

Why the scale won’t help your child reach a healthy weight.

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