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‘Life, Interrupted’ by Cancer Diagnosis at 22

By NPR Staff — 2012

This lovely, young cancer survivor, Suleika Jaouad, speaks candidly and with total compassion about the difficulty young people face in reaching out to young friends with cancer.

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The Dos and Don'ts of Talking to a Loved One About Weight Loss

If you think your partner needs to lose a few, approach 'the talk' with caution. Here's what to say — and what to skip.

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Trust Issues: Why Is It So Hard for Some People to Trust?

It’s become more and more difficult to remain vulnerable, trusting, and open to life in this era of uncertainty, global upheaval, divorce, and disrupted family life.

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Everyday Diplomacy

Your idea of a great Sunday is to rise with the sun for a long run. Your partner, however, has other ideas. His notion of a proper Sunday involves sleeping late and enjoying a leisurely brunch over the Sunday paper.

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How Not to Say the Wrong Thing

Susan Silk's "Ring Theory" of "comfort in, dump out" when supporting others going through tough times.

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Marshall Rosenberg’s Nonviolent Communication (NVC)

The communication technique of Non-Violent Communication (NVC) developed by Dr. Marshall Rosenberg provides a way to communicate with our partners safely and peacefully.

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How to Handle a Major Health Issue at Work

Whether it’s a chronic illness, a cancer diagnosis, or any other condition that will have you out of the office for multiple doctor’s appointments and potentially in need of special accommodations, a health issue raises complications far more difficult than trying to make sure you’ve...

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21 Ways to Strengthen Struggling Relationships

All relationships go through phases, there will be good times and challenges. When you recognize that your relationship is in a rough spot, take heart. Great relationships don’t happen by luck. There are the specific skills and actions that strengthen our relationships.

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How to End Pandemic Fights with Your Partner

Couples’ fights in lockdown are often about the unremitting intensity of togetherness. The sooner you de-escalate a fight, the sooner you can begin working on real solutions.

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The No. 1 Rule Most Couples Ignore While Arguing

How couples fight is just as important as how they love, and it's one of the most predictive factors for a successful relationship. All couples have conflict and will cause each other distress from time to time.

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Although Two, Live as One

Amma’s advice for couples.

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