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50 Morning Affirmations for Success and Confidence

By Katherine Hurst

Do you often find yourself struggling to find affirmations that you can use? Maybe you are unsure of what affirmations even are?

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Mental Disorder Within the Neurodiversity Paradigm

Can neurodiversity proponents keep the notion of mental pathology?

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The Brain of an Entrepreneur

The aspects that make them most creative may also be their biggest risk.

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Identity and Neurodiversity

Conceptions of identities are complex. We have a number of identities that manifest themselves in different environments or as composite forms of background experience. So, do neurodiverse conditions like autism, dyslexia, dyspraxia, and bipolar really comprise a part of a person’s identity?

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Crazy Good: How Mental Illnesses Help Entrepreneurs Thrive

Michael A. Freeman had long noticed that entrepreneurs seem inclined to have mental health issues. Freeman and California-Berkeley psychology professor Sheri Johnson decided to take a deeper look at the issue.

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