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50 Morning Affirmations for Success and Confidence

By Katherine Hurst

Do you often find yourself struggling to find affirmations that you can use? Maybe you are unsure of what affirmations even are?

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Have You Ever Felt Like an Outsider?

Being an outsider can cause culture shock. But that doesn’t have to be a bad thing.

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Mental Disorder Within the Neurodiversity Paradigm

Can neurodiversity proponents keep the notion of mental pathology?

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The Brain of an Entrepreneur

The aspects that make them most creative may also be their biggest risk.

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Identity and Neurodiversity

Conceptions of identities are complex. We have a number of identities that manifest themselves in different environments or as composite forms of background experience. So, do neurodiverse conditions like autism, dyslexia, dyspraxia, and bipolar really comprise a part of a person’s identity?

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Are You Mentally Well Enough for College?

Last spring an 18-year-old college freshman who got straight A’s in high school—but was now failing several courses—came to my office on the campus where I work as a psychologist.

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5 Steps To Finding A Therapist As A College Student

For those who want to seek help and guidance, here are some actions you can take.

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5 Things College Students Should Include in a Plan for Their Wellness

Here are five essential things that any wellness plan for incoming college students should address.

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How Parents Can Ward Against “Imposter Syndrome”

Today in my interactions with college students and young scientists in training, I’m often struck by the limits that they are placing on their own potential by comparing their achievements to those of others.

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Beyond the Jokes: Imposter Syndrome in Students

Imposter syndrome, alongside alcoholism and chronic insomnia, is one of the experiences key to the morbid trinity of student life; the quirks forming the foundation of every post on every university confessions page.

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What Students Are Saying About ‘Impostor Syndrome,’ Beloved Places and Finding Balance in 2021

“Do you ever have feelings of self-doubt, that you’re not good enough or that you don’t belong?” we asked students in our Student Opinion question inspired by Smarter Living’s guide on “How to Overcome ‘Impostor Syndrome.’”

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