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50 Morning Affirmations for Success and Confidence

By Katherine Hurst

Do you often find yourself struggling to find affirmations that you can use? Maybe you are unsure of what affirmations even are?

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Sunday Manifest: The True Definition of Confidence

Confidence is being able to walk into a room, any room, and not having to size up the other individuals in it, because you are self-assured enough in your own capabilities. Real confidence is not guided by ego. The wrong kind of confidence is driven by it.

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Trevor Talent Supporters Discuss BIPOC Mental Health Awareness Month

We collaborated with several of our favorite talent supporters who are LGBTQ people of color to offer advice to youth on how to navigate the intersections of their identities and protect their mental health.

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Meditation for Self-Mastery

Through the practice of meditation, there are certain changes that happen in the mind. One of the most important changes is that you become master of your mind.

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6 Things that Hold Us Back from Seeing Ourselves for Who We Really Are

These hindrances are Universal, but they don’t have to maintain a death-like grip on our present experience. We can be empowered to relax into who we truly are, and start to witness the nature of oneness unfolding before our eyes.

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26 Positive Affirmations to Empower You Now

Being in the present moment and choosing how we show up is in our hands. Empower yourself to recall and recount these positive affirmations to broaden your perspective and be reminded of all the choices you do have.

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Your Beliefs Can Save Your Life!

When you discover that you can change any belief you have, regardless of where it came from, you learn that you can choose your experiences in life. You become a master, rather than a victim, of your reality.

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Power Posing Is Back: Amy Cuddy Successfully Refutes Criticism

Amy Cuddy’s TED talk on the benefits of power posing garnered over 46 million views and became the second-most-popular TED talk in history. Then everything changed when Cuddy’s research was attacked by her fellow social psychologists.

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