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50 Morning Affirmations for Success and Confidence

By Katherine Hurst

Do you often find yourself struggling to find affirmations that you can use? Maybe you are unsure of what affirmations even are?

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8 Artists on How to Build Confidence

Artists encounter unique challenges. They are required to continually make new work that feels original and significant, but not too close to that of their peers and predecessors. They encounter public audiences that are quick to deem contemporary art esoteric or absurd.

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Investors and Entrepreneurs Need to Address the Mental Health Crisis in Startups

The most brilliant and creative amongst us are sometimes the most troubled, and nowhere is that clearer than in the entrepreneurial ecosystem.

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Are You an Artist Who Suffers From Occasional or Chronic Low Self-Esteem?

very often even the most talented and intelligent artists don’t see their positive qualities and achievements from an objective perspective. They notice their weaknesses and fail to attain their objectives. In my opinion, most artists could use a lesson on how to improve self-esteem.

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Are Self-Esteem and Creativity Connected?

You have what it takes to make art, if you make the choice to take what it takes. None of us knows whether our work will end up being great or not great, remembered or forgotten.

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How Artists Can Overcome Imposter Syndrome

Top creatives reveal how they deal with self-doubt.

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How to Unblock Your Creative Potential

You must explore your inner-garden, your inner-landscape to see what core attitudes and beliefs you are holding that prevent you from tapping into your creative power.

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