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50 Morning Affirmations for Success and Confidence

By Katherine Hurst

Do you often find yourself struggling to find affirmations that you can use? Maybe you are unsure of what affirmations even are?

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How to Raise a Kid with a Conscience in the Digital Age

Nudge kids to be their best selves by encouraging them to consume positive, inspiring media and online content.

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It’s Perfectly OK to Call a Disabled Person ‘Disabled,’ and Here’s Why

We’ve been taught to refer to people with disabilities using person-first language, but that might be doing more harm than good.

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An Introduction to Emotional Intelligence

The definition of emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize, differentiate, and manage our emotions and the emotions of others. The notion of emotions being important in our lives goes all the way back to the ancient Greeks.

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An Introduction to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Are you searching for a way to cope with a mental health challenge or even with everyday life? Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is an effective approach for many people.

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Black Masculinity and Mental Health: How to Move Past Outdated Roles and Encourage Better Care

Expectations surrounding Black masculinity, such as the requirement to be strong and stoic, have often prevented Black men from seeking mental health care. But it's possible to overcome this reluctance and make mental wellness a priority.

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I Have a Serious Physical Disability, but the Biggest Daily Challenges Are with My Mindset

The ongoing dialogue I have with my own perspective and emotions is the biggest job I’ve ever undertaken. Exploring this internal give-and-take forces me to grow in surprising ways.

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Coping with Depression and Disability

Often, disabled people have their disability treated, but they don’t have their emotional or spiritual needs addressed.

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When a Physical Disability Keeps You from Getting Mental Health Help

Depression and suicidal ideation are more likely among people with disabilities due to factors like abuse, isolation, and stressors related to poverty, among others.

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The Mental Health of People with Disabilities

Adults with disabilities report experiencing frequent mental distress almost 5 times as often as adults without disabilities.

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What College Students Really Think About Cancel Culture

A grassroots civil-dialogue movement creates a new kind of safe space: one that invites students from across the political spectrum to discuss controversial issues, including policing, gender identity, and free speech itself.

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