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50 Morning Affirmations for Success and Confidence

By Katherine Hurst

Do you often find yourself struggling to find affirmations that you can use? Maybe you are unsure of what affirmations even are?

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I Tried ‘Forest Therapy.’ Here’s What It Did for My Mental Health

I catch some things here and there: a scurrying chipmunk crosses the path, a patch of sunlight glimmers ahead of me. But mostly, I’m in my head and in my feet as I cross a metaphorical finish line, completing my mileage for the day.

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11 Anger Management Strategies to Help You Calm Down

Failing to manage your anger can lead to a variety of problems like saying things you regret, yelling at your kids, threatening your co-workers, sending rash emails, developing health problems, or even resorting to physical violence.

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How to Manifest Anything

Looking to give manifestation a try yourself? Here are the steps experts propose you take to attempt to manifest anything you desire—money and love included.

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4 Signs That You Are Your Own Worst Enemy

My worst enemy is as close as it gets: She's literally under my skin. Oh, there are other people in the world who have hurt my feelings, called me names and sabotaged my work, health and relationships. But when it comes to acting against my own interests, no one can hold a candle to yours truly.

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10 Life Lessons You Should Unlearn

In the past 10 years, I've realized that our culture is rife with ideas that actually inhibit joy. Here are some of the things I'm most grateful to have unlearned:

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The Difference Between Grown-Ups and “Adult-Children”

Still clinging to the fears and fury of childhood? You can unarrest your development once and for all.

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The 5 Stages of Surrender

Embracing the Beauty of “I Don’t Know” through challenges.

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What If You Could Have Direct Influence Over Your Destiny and Your Health? Discoveries in Quantum Science Reveal It’s Possible. Here’s How…

You may know certain people who seem to magically be able to manifest almost anything they want in life.

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If Self-Discipline Feels Difficult, Then You’re Doing It Wrong

Many equate self-discipline with living a good, moral life, which ends up creating a lot of shame when we fail. There’s a better way to build lasting, solid self-discipline in your life.

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4 Ways to Stop Being So Indecisive

Iyanla Vanzant has four suggestions to help you make up your mind.

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