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50 Morning Affirmations for Success and Confidence

By Katherine Hurst

Do you often find yourself struggling to find affirmations that you can use? Maybe you are unsure of what affirmations even are?

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How to Make a Big Decision

Have no fear. An emerging science can now help you choose.

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Decision-Making Should Be a Required Course in Every High School

We spend too much time making kids memorize facts instead of giving them the skill that will help them throughout their lives.

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How to Make Good Decisions

When uncertain or afraid, how do we free ourselves from delay, make good decisions, and take decisive action? Brendon Burchard offers three strategies.

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Can We Change Our Mental Health Genes?

Hyla Cass shares the words of William Walsh, a nutritional medicine expert.

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How to Create a New Vision for the Planet

There is so much change occurring politically and economically, and in the environment it is important that we hold a good and positive vision for the planet.

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How to Unblock Your Creative Potential

You must explore your inner-garden, your inner-landscape to see what core attitudes and beliefs you are holding that prevent you from tapping into your creative power.

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Understand Your Emotions to Grow and Heal

In McLaren’s view, we typically perceive emotions as problems, which we then thoughtlessly express or repress. She advocates a more mindful approach, where we step back and see our emotions as sources of information.

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Repressing or Expressing Emotions? There’s Another Choice!

I don’t know what happened to emotions in this society. They are the least understood, most maligned, and most ridiculously over-analyzed aspects of human life.

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When Rage Goes Viral: 4 Strategies to Cope with Anger in a Healthy Way

Our world is in the midst of an emotional meltdown. People are restless, volatile, our tempers about to blow. Why is rage so rampant? What is the solution?

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How to Intuitively Make Smart Decisions

Intuition offers a direct line to your life force, and also, as I experience it, to a divine intelligence. We can't afford to remain deaf to intuition's messages. Its expertise is energy; its job is to know every nuance of what makes you tick.

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