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50 Morning Affirmations for Success and Confidence

By Katherine Hurst

Do you often find yourself struggling to find affirmations that you can use? Maybe you are unsure of what affirmations even are?

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What Builds Character?

If you want to build a sustainable personal brand, focus on your personal character early and often.

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A 12-Step Guide to Finding More Meaning in Life

Former monk Jay Shetty reveals a dozen ways to achieve a more fulfilling, happy and meaningful day-to-day life.

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Influencer Jay Shetty: The Biggest Mistake We Make Is “We Think It’s Too Late”

Social media influencer Jay Shetty told Yahoo Finance in a recent interview that “the biggest mistake” people make in their career and life involves self-imposed limitations that narrow their options.

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Discipline, Routine and Focus Can Create an Amazing Life: Jay Shetty

Jay Shetty on his latest book, his experiences living as a monk in India and the necessity of routine in one’s life.

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Black Womxn: You Are Not Defective

Many Black womxn experience themselves as fraudulent or substandard. It's a lie.

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How to Be More Empathetic

More and more, we live in bubbles. Most of us are surrounded by people who look like us, vote like us, earn like us, spend money like us, have educations like us and worship like us. The result is an empathy deficit, and it’s at the root of many of our biggest problems.

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How to Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs

Our beliefs can put healthy boundaries on questionable behavior. But limiting beliefs hold us back from what we want in life.

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Answering These 10 Questions Will Destroy Your Limiting Beliefs Around Business and Life

Changing what you believe about yourself is the precursor to every other change you seek.

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The Impact of Limiting Beliefs

How to recognize and overcome the mental obstacles you may be creating for yourself.

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A Harvard Psychologist Shows How to Change Those Limiting Beliefs You Still Have About Yourself

We all have deep-rooted, deeply limiting beliefs about ourselves that just aren't true.

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