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The Death of a Sibling: ‘It Makes No Sense and Never Will’

By Christina Patterson

When the poet Joanne Limburg’s brother killed himself, she simply couldn’t accept it. Christina Patterson, whose sister also suddenly died, finds out how she coped

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Grief and the Cancer Caregiver

Becoming a cancer caregiver will change your life in many ways, and your loss could be profound. Learning how to cope with the grieving process will help.

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The Psychosocial Side of Cancer

A cancer diagnosis brings a wealth of psychological challenges. In fact, adults living with cancer have a six-time higher risk for psychological disability than those not living with cancer.

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Grieving the Loss of a Sibling

Grief is a normal response to the loss of a brother or sister. But adult siblings are sometimes called "forgotten mourners" because their grief is often overshadowed by the grief of other family members, such as the person’s parents, spouse, or children.

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Living the Life You Wish to Live

Stephen and Ondrea Levine, counselors and meditation teachers, sit down with psychotherapist Barbara Platek to speak about easing the transition from life to death.

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Death or Loss of a Sibling