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How to Be Mindful with a Snack

By Lynn Rossy — 2017

An 8-step mindfulness practice to build awareness around hunger, fullness, and healthier eating choices.

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10 Everyday Superfoods

Superfoods are a little bit of hype but also some of the healthiest foods you should be eating everyday.

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Top 7 Superfoods

What food writer Scott DeSimon learned from three months with Frank Lipman, author of The New Health Rules, is that healthy eating isn’t about deprivation: It’s about adding foods and, yes, supplements to boost nutrition and energy.

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Superfoods: What They Are and Where to Get Them

Keeping track of the latest “superfood” is a lot like trying to stay up on fashion trends. One minute it’s in, and the next it’s out.

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10 Best Superfoods for Women

Food is an important part of pleasure. And getting — and staying — healthy can often be as simple as optimizing what we eat. But how do you know what to pick in a sea of endless grocery stores choices?

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Healthy Eating