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How to Be Mindful with a Snack

By Lynn Rossy — 2017

An 8-step mindfulness practice to build awareness around hunger, fullness, and healthier eating choices.

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Largest Ever Psychedelics Study Maps Changes of Conscious Awareness to Neurotransmitter Systems

In the world’s largest study on psychedelics and the brain, a team of researchers from The Neuro (Montreal Neurological Institute-Hospital) and Department of Biomedical Engineering of McGill University, the Broad Institute at Harvard/MIT, SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University, and Mila—Quebec...

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15 Ways to Get Someone Out of Your Head

How can we stop being caught up in other people’s thoughts? How can we stop thinking about a person or situation—what we should have or could have done differently—when the same thoughts keep looping back, rewinding, and playing through our minds again and again?

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Balancing the Brain Toward Joy

In her best-selling book, My Stroke of Insight: A Brain Scientist’s Personal Journey, Taylor details the process for recovery and the insight she’s gained about the different functions of the left and right halves of her brain.

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What You Practice Grows Stronger

When it comes to making changes, we all have one habit in common that holds us back: self-judgement. The neuroscience of mindfulness suggests lasting change requires a softer touch.

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Healthy Eating