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How to Be Mindful with a Snack

By Lynn Rossy — 2017

An 8-step mindfulness practice to build awareness around hunger, fullness, and healthier eating choices.

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We Always Have Joy

The sun doesn’t stop shining just because there are clouds in the sky. Our buddhanature is always present and available, even when life gets difficult.

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5 Ways Breathwork Can Support a Mindful Pregnancy

The breath is the foundation of every mindfulness practice, and it is also the foundation of life. Establishing a relationship with your breath, especially while pregnant, will have lasting effects for you and the child you are bringing into the world.

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The Inner Ear as Grounding

Opening the ears to careful listening is one of the primary tasks of teachers today. How can we inspire sensitivity so that the visual arts, poetry, music, and inner morality can resound within us.

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Ta-Nehisi Coates: Imagining a New America

Ta-Nehisi Coates says we must love our country the way we love our friends—and not spare the hard truths.

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The Difference Between Grown-Ups and “Adult-Children”

Still clinging to the fears and fury of childhood? You can unarrest your development once and for all.

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Healthy Eating